decompose-router 0.5.1 Help


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Kotlin Experimental Build Kotlin Maven Central

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A Compose-multiplatform navigation library that leverage Decompose to create an API inspired by Conductor


  • 🚏 A Router that manages a stack, pages or slot for your screen configurations

  • 📦 rememberOnRoute() lets you retain your state holders across configuration changes and gets cleared when the user leaves the screen

  • 🚉 Multiplatform! Supports Android, WearOS, Desktop, iOS and Web

At a glance

// Declare your screen configurations for type-safety @Serializable sealed class Screen: Parcelable { object List : Screen() data class Details(val detail: String) : Screen() } @Composable fun ListDetailScreen() { // Create a router with a stack of screen configurations 🚏 val router: Router<Screen> = rememberRouter { listOf(List) } // Hoist your screens for each configuration 🏗️ RoutedContent(router = router) { screen -> when (screen) { List -> ListScreen( // Navigate by pushing new configurations on the router 🧭 onSelectItem = { detail -> router.push(detail) } ) is Details -> DetailsScreen(screen.detail) } } } @Composable fun DetailsScreen(detail: String) { // 📦 Scope an instance (a view model, a state-holder or whatever) to a route with [rememberOnRoute] // This makes your instances survive configuration changes (on android) 🔁 // And holds-on the instance as long as it is in the backstack 🔗 // Pass in key if you want to reissue a new instance when key changes 🔑 (optional) val instance: DetailInstance = rememberOnRoute(key = detail) { context -> DetailInstance(context, detail) } val state: DetailState by instance.states.collectAsState() Text(text = state.detail) } // If you want your state to survive process death ☠️ derive your initial state from [SavedStateHandle] class DetailInstance(context: RouterContext, detail: String) : InstanceKeeper.Instance { private val initialState: DetailState = context.state(DetailState(detail)) { states.value } private val stateFlow = MutableStateFlow(initialState) val states: StateFlow<DetailState> = stateFlow }
Last modified: 11 February 2024